Photo: MakuDonarudo's (Japan 2009)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Where: Kamakura, Japan
When: Morning, July 16th 2009

This was the first Japanese McDonald's (Pronounced Makudonarudo's) that I saw on the trip, and one of my first glimpses of culture blending. I liked the juxtaposition between the woman standing there in the more traditional print clothing, looking slightly bewildered, and the advertisements surrounding her. Take a closer look at these advertisements and you'll realize they're a bit confusing for an English speaker. The poster directly behind the woman identifies three different visible products as Chicken, Juicy Chicken, and Juicy Chicken. I'd like to note that all three names are quite different in Japanese. I also enjoy the wrapper around the 'Chicken' that just says 'Chicken'. Good stuff.


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