Photo: The Smallest Corner (Japan 2009)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

,The Smallest Corner
Where: Kamakura, Japan
When: Evening, July 16th, 2009

A small city, a small street, a small corner beside a shop. What do you find there? In the United States I would expect maybe beer bottles and cigarette butts, maybe a trash can, maybe, at best, a potted plant or a bit of a store window.

With about four square feet of ground space, there is a lovely cabinet displaying some art, some ubiquitous and frighteningly realistic Japanese plastic food models for the restaurant behind, and the smallest bit of landscaping I think I've ever seen. The ground cuts away swiftly into a tiny pond, and a tiny tree rises above.

I almost don't know which impresses me more: the scale, or the flawless blending of practical, artistic, and introduced natural beauty.


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